A Brand for Modern Aging

October 12, 2021

Older adults have long been a demographic underserved by technology. In our culture, this is compounded with negative associations around the topic of aging. We see this in the majority of products and brands targeted to older adults. We want to change that. Aging should be dignified. At Sage, we’re proud to build a company and a brand that empowers older adults and caregivers through technology.

Together with our friends at Outline, we created branding to reflect our mission of empowerment. We believe the key to improving the quality of life for older adults can be found in improving communication between older adults and their caregivers: independence through connection.

A few principles guided our brand decisions:

  • Security through empowerment, never fear
  • Modern without being intimidating
  • Above all: human

To represent connection, our mark (the Sage shield) is derived from a wisdom knot—two independent lobes forming a strong, interconnected bond.

We’re excited to launch a brand that shifts the conversation of aging and offers a new path forward. A brand that will empower not enfeeble. A brand designed for modern aging.